Plans &

Building Grant Aden
S. B. Haines, Political Agent, Aden, grants ground in Tawela Valley, also known as Merwanjee Sorabjee Parsee's Garden, to the Parsee Punchayet.
9th March, 1854. Folding document containing building grant and demarcation of ground. 3 pages. ADD.1.1
Minutes of the first meeting in the matter of the new Dakhma
Held at Eduljee Maneckjee Colabawalla’s house
Regarding necessity to build a new dakhma (funerary tower) and appointment of treasurers of the Dakhma Fund.
21st April, 1855. Handwritten copy of the original. 3 pages. Gujarati. ADD.1.2
Plan of Parsee Enclosure Aden
Sanctioned by W. M. Coghlan, Political Resident, Aden.
12th February, 1863. Paper lined with linen. 40 x 44 cm. ADPM.1.1
Plan of Parsee Enclosure Aden
A reproduction of the Plan ADPM.1.1 with the notes from the succeeding Political Residents arranged into boxes.
Paper lined with linen
2 copies - 44 x 48 cm and 52 x 52 cm
Plan of Parsee Enclosure Aden
A reproduction of the Plan ADPM.1.1 with the notes from the succeeding Political Residents arranged into in boxes.
Paper lined with linen. 2 copies - 44 x 48 cm and 52 x 52 cm. ADPM.1.3
“We the undersigned members of the Parsee community of Aden beg leave most respectfully to request the favor of your permission to allow us to enclose the boundaries of the Parsee Cemetry together with the garden attached to it, granted as a charitable endowment by the late Merwanjee Sorabjee.”
Letter accompanying Plan of Parsee Enclosure
From members of the Parsee community of Aden, Merwanjee Sorabjee, Eduljee Maneckjee, Eduljee Cursetjee, Cowasji Dinshaw, Muncherjee Eduljee, Sorabjee Cowasjee, N. Ruttonjee & Co. to Brigadier W. M. Coghlan, Political Resident, Aden, requesting permission to enclose the Parsee Cemetry and Garden attached to it, with walls.
12th July, 1863. Handwritten letter. 1 page. ADPM.1.4a
Plan of Parsee Enclosure Aden
1863. Paper lined with linen. 52 x 35 cm. ADPM.1.4
Note on Dakhma Fund
Listing the amounts committed by donors
5th April, 1864. Handwritten copy of the original. 2 pages. Gujarati. ADD.1.3
Minutes of the second meeting of the Dakhma Fund
Held at Eduljee Maneckjee Colabawalla’s house
Regarding location of the dakhma and necessity to build a road for the public, in lieu of the pathway which will be closed by the Parsee Enclosure.
21st July, 1865. Handwritten copy of the original. 3 pages. Gujarati. ADD.1.4
“શેઠ કાવશજી દીનશાજી દરજીના એ દરખાસ્ત કીધી અને શેઠ એદલજી માણેકજી એ તેકો આપ્યો અને મિજલશી ઓ એક્મત થયા થી નીચે લખેલા ઠેરાવો પસન્દ અને મુકરર કીધા ૧) લુ આએ સભામા ઉઘરણાનુ લીસ્ત ભરાયા બાદ આપના કુલ જરથોસ્તી ઓ મા ફેરવવુ, અને જે ઓછા મા ઓછી રકમ ભરે તે મોતા માન સાથે કબુલ રાખવી”
Minutes of the third meeting of the Dakhma Fund
Held at Sorabjee Cowasjee Kharas’s house
Regarding donations to be collected for the Fund, overseas donations welcomed and already collected.
1st August, 1865. Handwritten copy of the original. 4 pages. Gujarati. ADD.1.5
Minutes of the meeting of the Dakhma Fund
Held at Eduljee Maneckjee Colabawalla’s house
1866. Handwritten. 4 pages. Gujarati. ADD.1.6
Plan & Section of a Parsee Cemetry Proposed to be erected at Aden
Paper. 44 x 28 cm. ADPM.1.5
Site Plan of Parsi Anjuman Property at Tawella Garden Road
Survey by R. M. Hoskoti B.E.
Paper lined with linen. 64 x 41 cm. ADPM.1.7