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Vintage Watsons: A Walk Around Bombay’s First Grand Hotel

Vintage Watsons: A Walk Around Bombay’s First Grand Hotel

Vintage Watsons: A Walk Around Bombay’s First Grand Hotel

Expressly designed as a first class hotel with upwards of 120 rooms and a steam lift, Watson’s Esplanade Hotel was conceived in the 1860s along with the grand structures it stands alongside- the University, the High Court, the Secretariat.


Vintage Watsons: A Walk Around Bombay’s First Grand Hotel

Expressly designed as a first class hotel with upwards of 120 rooms and a steam lift, Watson’s Esplanade Hotel was conceived in the 1860s along with the grand structures it stands alongside- the University, the High Court, the Secretariat.


Vintage Watsons: A Walk Around Bombay’s First Grand Hotel

Expressly designed as a first class hotel with upwards of 120 rooms and a steam lift, Watson’s Esplanade Hotel was conceived in the 1860s along with the grand structures it stands alongside- the University, the High Court, the Secretariat.